Magnetic-buoyancy-induced mixing in AGB Stars: fluorine nucleosynthesis at different metallicities [SSA]

Asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars are considered to be among the most significant contributors to the fluorine budget in our Galaxy. While at close-to-solar metallicity observations and theory agree, at lower metallicities stellar models overestimate the fluorine production with respect to heavy elements. We present ${}^{19}$F nucleosynthesis results for a set of AGB models with different masses and metallicities in which magnetic buoyancy acts as the driving process for the formation of the ${}^{13}$C neutron source (the so-called ${}^{13}$C pocket). We find that ${}^{19}$F is mainly produced as a result of nucleosynthesis involving secondary ${}^{14}$N during convective thermal pulses, with a negligible contribution from the ${}^{14}$N present in the ${}^{13}$C pocket region. A large ${}^{19}$F production is thus prevented, resulting in lower fluorine surface abundances. As a consequence, AGB stellar models with magnetic-buoyancy-induced mixing at the base of the convective envelope well agree with available fluorine spectroscopic measurements at both low and close-to-solar metallicity.

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D. Vescovi, S. Cristallo, S. Palmerini, et. al.
Wed, 16 Jun 21

Comments: 7 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in A&A