Disruption of Hierarchical Clustering in the Vela OB2 Complex and the Cluster Pair Collinder 135 and UBC7 with Gaia EDR3: Evidence of Supernova Quenching [GA]


We identify hierarchical structures in the Vela OB2 complex and the cluster pair Collinder 135 and UBC 7 with Gaia EDR3 using the neural network machine learning algorithm StarGO. Five second-level substructures are disentangled in Vela OB2, which are referred to as Huluwa 1 (Gamma Velorum), Huluwa 2, Huluwa 3, Huluwa 4 and Huluwa 5. Huluwa 1-5 may have originated through sequential star formation. The clusters Huluwa 1-3 are the older generation, with ages of 10-20 Myr, and generated stellar feedback that caused turbulence which fostered the formation of the younger-generation clusters, Huluwa 4-5 (10 Myr). The cluster pair Collinder 135 and UBC 7 was likely formed from the same molecular cloud, are coeval (40 Myr). The 3D morphology of Huluwa 1-5 resembles a shell-like structure, right along the rim of the Vela IRAS shell. A supernova explosion located inside the Vela IRAS shell quenched star formation in the younger generation Huluwa 4-5 and rapidly expelled the remaining gas from the clusters. This resulted in mass stratification across the shell, with more low-mass stars located along the inner rim of the shell, and more massive stars in the outer region of the shell. Mass segregation is observed only in the lowest-mass cluster Huluwa 5. Significant expansion is observed in Vela OB2 with a 1D expansion rate of $(6.9-7.9)\times10^{-2}$~km $\rm s^{-1} pc^{-1}$. Expansion in the cluster pair is moderate. The velocity dispersions suggest that both Vela OB2 and the cluster pair are supervirial and are undergoing disruption. $N$-body simulations predict that Huluwa 1-5 in Vela OB2 and the cluster pair will continue to expand in the future 100 Myr and eventually dissolve.are supervirial and are undergoing disruption. $N$-body simulations predict that Huluwa 1-5 in Vela OB2 and the cluster pair will continue to expand in the future 100 Myr and eventually dissolve.

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X. Pang, Z. Yu, S. Tang, et. al.
Wed, 16 Jun 21

Comments: 21 pages, 11 figures. Submitted to ApJ