Effect of Blue Component Stars in Parameters of NGC 6866 [SSA]


The open star clusters (OSC) are important tracers for understanding the Galactic evolution. The parametric study of these astronomical-objects is crucial task due to the appearing sequence of the members of OSC. These members are defined through the various approaches such as photometric, statistical, kinematics etc. In the present paper, we have been using the photometric colours of the identified stars for categorized them into the blue and red component groups and identification of these groups is possible through (B-V) vs V colour magnitude diagram (CMD). Furthermore, the influence/effect of these groups is also examined in the estimation of cluster parameters. The stellar enhancement of cluster NGC 6866 is found through the blue-component-stars (BCS) and the linear solution of best fitted values of King Models of the radial-densityprofile (RDP) gives the core radius as 5.22+/-0.29 arcmin. The good agreement of present estimated parameters of the cluster with the literature seems to be an effective evidence to consider BCS as the true representative of the cluster. The stellar distribution of the cluster shows continuous phenomena of the mass segregation. An effect of the incompleteness of photometric data is related to the mass-function slope values, which is found to be -3.80+/-0.11 and also shows the incremental nature with the incompleteness.

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G. Joshi
Thu, 10 Jun 21

Comments: 08 pages, 12 figures, 02 tables, multidisciplinary conference