Unveiling the multiple periodicities of the cataclysmic variable LS Cam [SSA]


$TESS$ photometric data of LS~Cam from sectors 19, 20 and 26 are analysed. The obtained power spectra from sectors 19 and 20 show multiple periodicities – orbital variations ($P_{orb} = 0.14237$ days), slightly fluctuating superorbital variation ($ P_{so} \approx 4.03$ days) and permanent negative superhump ($P_{-sh} = 0.1375$ days). In sector 26 an additional positive superhump ($P_{+sh} = 0.155$ days) is present. Using relations from literature, the mass ratio and the masses of the two components are estimated to be $q =0.24$, $M_1 = 1.26M_\odot$, and $M_2 = 0.30 M_\odot$ respectively.

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S. Stefanov
Tue, 8 Jun 21

Comments: 5 pages, Bulgarian Astron. Journal submitted