Ferromagnetic instability in PAAI in the sky [CL]


We study an idealised plasma of fermions, coupled through an abelian gauge force $U(1)_X$, and which is asymmetric in that the masses of the oppositely charged species are greatly unequal. The system is dubbed PAAI, plasma asym\’etrique, ab\’elien et id\’ealis\’e. It is argued that due to the ferromagnetic instability that arises, the ground state gives rise to a complex of domain walls. This complex being held together by stresses much stronger than cosmic gravity, does not evolve with the scale factor and along with the heavier oppositely charged partners simulates the required features of Dark Energy with mass scale for the lighter fermions in the micro-eV to nano-eV range. Further, residual $X$-magnetic fields through mixture with standard magnetic fields, can provide the seed for cosmic-scale magnetic fields. Thus the scenario can explain several cosmological puzzles including Dark Energy.

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R. MacKenzie, M. Paranjape and U. Yajnik
Fri, 21 May 21

Comments: 9 pages, 1 figure, Talk at the 11th International Symposium “Quantum Theory and Symmetries” (July 1st to 5th, 2019, CRM, Univ. of Montreal). arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2010.10034, arXiv:1901.00995