Conversion and Smoothing of MHD Shocks in Atmospheres with Open and Closed Magnetic Field and Neutral Points [SSA]

Planar acoustically dominated magneto-hydro-dynamic waves are initiated at the high-$\beta$ base of a simulated 2D isothermal stratified atmosphere with potential magnetic field exhibiting both open and closed field regions as well as neutral points. They shock on their way upward toward the Alfv\’en-acoustic equipartition surface $a=c$, where $a$ and $c$ are the Alfv\’en and sound speeds respectively. Expanding on recent 1.5D findings that such shocks mode-convert to fast shocks and slow smoothed waves on passing through $a=c$, we explore the implications for these more complex magnetic geometries. It is found that the 1.5D behaviour carries over to the more complex case, with the fast shocks strongly attracted to neutral points, which are disrupted producing extensive fine structure. It is also observed that shocks moving in the opposite direction, from $a>c$ to $a<c$, split into fast and slow components too, and that again it is the slow component that is smoothed.

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J. Pennicott and P. Cally
Fri, 7 May 21

Comments: 26 pages, 13 figures