Electromagnetic properties of neutrinos from scattering on bound electrons in atom [CL]


We consider the effects of bound atomic electrons scattered by solar neutrinos due to the electromagnetic properties of neutrinos. This necessiate considering the recoil of atomic nucleus, which should be considered in the momentum conservation, but that effect to the energy conservation is negligible. This effect changes the kinematic behavior of the scattered electron compared to that scattered on free electrons. We apply this effect to the recent XENON1T data, but the bounds obtained from this is not very restrictive. We obtained the bounds: the (transition) magnetic moment $|f_{\alpha\beta}|\le 0.86\times 10^{-7}$ (times the electron Bohr magneton) and the charge radius $|\tilde{r}|< 4.30\times 10^{-17\,}{\rm cm}$. For a non-vanishing millicharge ($\varepsilon$), the allowed bound is shown in the $\tilde{r}^2-\varepsilon$ plane.

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J. Jeong, J. Kim and S. Youn
Thu, 6 May 21

Comments: 12 pages, 4 figures