Dynamical properties of the Molniya satellite constellation: long-term evolution of the semi-major axis [CL]


We describe the phase space structures related to the semi-major axis of Molniya-like satellites subject to tesseral and lunisolar resonances. In particular, we dissect the indirect interplay of the critical inclination resonance on the semi-geosynchronous resonance using a hierarchy of more realistic dynamical systems, thus discussing the dynamics beyond the integrable approximation. By introducing \textit{ad hoc} tractable models averaged over the fast angles, we numerically demarcate the hyperbolic structures organising the long-term dynamics via the computation of finite-time variational indicators. Based on the publicly available two-line elements space orbital data, we identify two satellites, namely M1-69 and M1-87, displaying fingerprints consistent with the dynamics associated to the hyperbolic set. The computations of the associated dynamical maps highlight that the spacecraft are trapped within the hyperbolic tangle.

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J. Daquin, E. Alessi, J. O’Leary, et. al.
Thu, 11 Mar 21

Comments: 26 pages, 9 figures. Comments and feedback appreciated