Unveiling the nature of 11 dusty star-forming galaxies at the peak of cosmic star formation history [GA]


We present a panchromatic study of 11 (sub-)millimetre selected DSFGs with spectroscopically confirmed redshift ($1.5< z_{\rm spec}<3$) in the GOODS-S field, with the aim of constraining their astrophysical properties (e.g., age, stellar mass, dust and gas content) and characterizing their role in the context of galaxy evolution. The multi-wavelength coverage of GOODS-S, from X-rays to radio band, allow us to model galaxy SED by using CIGALE with a novel approach, based on a physical motivated modelling of stellar light attenuation by dust. Median stellar mass ($\simeq6.5\times10^{10}$ M$\odot$) and SFR ($\simeq241$ M$\odot$ yr$^{-1}$) are consistent with galaxy main-sequence at $z\sim2$. The galaxies are experiencing an intense and dusty burst of star formation (median L${\rm IR}\simeq2\times10^{12}$ L$\odot$), with a median age of $750$ Myr. The high median content of interstellar dust (M${\rm dust}\simeq5\times10^8$ M$\odot$) suggests a rapid enrichment of the ISM (on timescales $\sim10^8$ yr). We derived galaxy total and molecular gas content from CO spectroscopy and/or Rayleigh-Jeans dust continuum ($10^{10}\lesssim$ M${\rm gas}/$M$\odot\lesssim10^{11}$), depleted over a typical timescale $\tau_{\rm depl}\sim200$ Myr. X-ray and radio luminosities suggest that most of the galaxies hosts an accreting radio silent/quiet SMBH. This evidence, along with their compact multi-wavelength sizes (median r${\rm ALMA}\sim$ r${\rm VLA}=1.8$ kpc, r${\rm HST}=2.3$ kpc) measured from high-resolution imaging ($\theta{\rm res}\lesssim$ 1 arcsec), indicates these objects as the high-z star-forming counterparts of massive quiescent galaxies, as predicted e.g., by the in-situ scenario. Four objects show some signatures of a forthcoming/ongoing AGN feedback, that is thought to trigger the morphological transition from star-forming disks to ETGs.

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L. Pantoni, A. Lapi, M. Massardi, et. al.
Wed, 10 Mar 21

Comments: 23 pages, 6 figures, 13 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRAS