The effect of an offset-dipole magnetic field on the Vela pulsar's gamma-ray light curves [HEAP]

Over the past six years, the Fermi Large Area Telescope has detected more than 150 gamma-ray pulsars, discovering a variety of light curve trends and classes. Such diversity hints at distinct underlying magnetospheric and/or emission geometries. We implemented an offset-dipole magnetic field, with an offset characterised by parameters epsilon and magnetic azimuthal angle, in an existing geometric pulsar modelling code which already includes static and retarded vacuum dipole fields. We use these different magnetic field solutions in conjunction with standard emission geometries, namely the two-pole caustic and outer gap models (the latter only for non-offset dipoles), and construct intensity maps and light curves for several pulsar parameters. We compare our model light curves to the Vela data from the second pulsar catalogue of Fermi. We use a refined chi-square grid search method for finding best-fit light curves for each of the different models. Our best fit is for the retarded vacuum dipole field and the outer gap model.

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M. Breed, C. Venter, A. Harding, et. al.
Tue, 28 Apr 15

Comments: 6 pages, 5 figures, 1 table