Improved Atomic Transition Probabilities for UV and Optical Lines of Hf II and Determination of the Hf Abundance in Two Metal-Poor Stars [SSA]

We report new branching fraction measurements for 199 UV and optical transitions of Hf II. These transitions range in wavelength (wavenumber) from 2068- 6584 A (48322-15183 cm-1) and originate in 17 odd-parity upper levels ranging in energy from 38578-53227 cm-1. The branching fractions are combined with radiative lifetimes reported in an earlier study to produce a set of transition probabilities and log(gf) values with accuracy ranging from 5-25%. Comparison is made to transition probabilities from the literature where such data exist. We use these new transition probabilities to derive improved Hf abundances in two metal-poor stars. HD 196944 is enhanced in s-process elements, and we derive log epsilon (Hf) = -0.72 +/- 0.03 (sigma = 0.09) from 12 Hf II lines. HD 222925 is enhanced in r-process elements, and we derive log epsilon (Hf) = 0.32 +/- 0.03 (sigma = 0.11) from 20 Hf II lines. These measurements greatly expand the number of potentially useful Hf II lines for analysis in UV and optical spectra.

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E. Hartog, J. Lawler and I. Roederer
Wed, 24 Feb 21

Comments: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series (32 pages, 4 figures, 4 tables)