AT 2019qyl in NGC 300: Early Outflow Collisions for a Very Fast Nova in a Symbiotic Binary [SSA]

Nova eruptions, thermonuclear explosions on the surfaces of white dwarfs (WDs), are now recognized to be among the most common shock-powered transients. We present the early discovery and rapid ultraviolet (UV), optical, and infrared (IR) temporal development of AT 2019qyl, a recent nova in NGC 300. The light curve shows a rapid rise lasting $\lesssim 1$ day, reaching a peak absolute magnitude of $M_V = -9.2$ mag, and a very fast decline, fading by 2 mag over 3.5 days. A steep drop-off in the light curves after 71 days and the rapid decline timescale suggest a low-mass ejection from a massive WD with $M_{\mathrm{WD}} \gtrsim 1.2 M_{\odot}$. We present an unprecedented view of the early spectroscopic evolution of such an event. Three spectra prior to the peak reveal a complex, multi-component outflow giving rise to internal collisions and shocks in the ejecta of an He/N-class nova. We identify a coincident IR-variable counterpart in the extensive pre-eruption coverage of the transient location, and infer the presence of a symbiotic progenitor system with an O-rich asymptotic-giant-branch donor star, as well as evidence for an earlier UV-bright outburst in 2014. We suggest that AT 2019qyl is analogous to the subset of Galactic recurrent novae with red-giant companions such as RS Oph and other embedded nova systems like V407 Cyg. Our observations provide new evidence that internal outflow collisions likely play an important role in generating the shock-powered emission from such systems.

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J. Jencson, J. Andrews, H. Bond, et. al.
Wed, 24 Feb 21

Comments: 30 pages, 10 figures, submitted to ApJ