Final design and development status of the acquisition and guiding system for SOXS [IMA]

SOXS (Son Of X-Shooter) will be the new medium resolution (R~4500 for 1” slit), high-efficiency, wide band spectrograph for the ESO NTT at La Silla, optimized for classification and follow-up of transient events. SOXS will simultaneously cover UV optical and NIR bands (0.35-2.00 micron) using two different arms and a pre-slit Common Path feeding system. The instrument will be also equipped by a Calibration Unit and an Acquisition Camera (AC) System. In this paper we present the final opto-mechanical design for the AC System and we describe its development status. The project is currently in manufacturing and integration phases.

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A. Brucalassi, G. Pignata, J. Duran, et. al.
Thu, 24 Dec 20

Comments: 8 pages, 8 figures, SPIE conference. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1809.01526