Dark Energy Radiation [CL]


We show that if dark energy evolves in time, its dynamical component could be dominated by a bath of dark radiation. Within current constraints this radiation could have up to $\sim 10^4$ times more energy density than the cosmic microwave background. We demonstrate particular models in which a rolling scalar field generates different forms of dark radiation such as hidden photons, milli-charged particles and even Standard Model neutrinos. We find the leading effect on the late-time cosmological expansion history depends on a single parameter beyond $\Lambda$CDM, namely the temperature of the dark radiation today. Cosmological observations of this modified expansion rate could provide a striking signature of this scenario. The dark radiation itself could even be directly detectable in laboratory experiments, suggesting a broader experimental program into the nature of dark energy.

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K. Berghaus, P. Graham, D. Kaplan, et. al.
Tue, 22 Dec 20

Comments: 12 pages, 1 Figure