Probing secret interactions of eV-scale sterile neutrinos with the diffuse supernova neutrino background [CL]

While three flavors of “active” neutrinos are consistent with mixing angle results within error bars, there are anomalies may be hints of physics beyond the standard model that can accommodate a fourth mostly “sterile” neutrino species with an eV-scale mass and a mixing angle with active neutrinos of order $\theta_0\simeq 0.1$. We describe a scenario with eV-scale sterile neutrinos that have self-interactions via a new gauge vector boson, a “secret” mediator $\phi$. We show that their production in the early Universe via mixing with active neutrinos is consistent with Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and free-streaming constraints in the Cosmic Microwave Background epoch. For $M_\phi=4-8$ keV and sterile neutrino coupling $g_s=10^{-4}$, we find that resonant interactions of diffuse supernova neutrinos with relic sterile neutrinos in transit to the Earth would cause spectral dips in the neutrino flux. We illustrate the corresponding (anti-)neutrino event distributions as a function of energy in the DUNE (Hyper-Kamiokande) detector.

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M. Reno, Y. Jeong, S. Palomares-Ruiz, et. al.
Fri, 11 Dec 20

Comments: Submitted to Proceedings of ICHEP 2020, July 28-August 6, Prague, Czech Republic (virtual meeting), 6 pages