Solar modulation of cosmic proton and helium with AMS-02 [HEAP]

We investigate the solar modulation effect with the long time cosmic ray proton and helium spectrum measured by AMS-02 on the time scale of a Bartels rotation (27 days) between May 2011 and May 2017. The time-span covers the negative heliospheric magnetic field polarity cycle, the polarity reversal period and the positive polarity cycle. The unprecedented accuracy of AMS-02 observation data provide a good opportunity to improve the understanding of the time dependent solar modulation effect. In this work, a two-dimensional solar modulation model is used to compute the propagation of cosmic rays in the heliosphere. Some important ingredients of the model which reflect the global heliospherical environment are taken from the observations. The propagation equation is numerically solved with the pubic Solarprop code. We find that the drift effect is suppressed during the high solar activity period but nearly recovered in the first half of 2017. The time-dependent rigidity dependence of the mean free path is critical to reproduce the observations between August 2012 and October 2015.

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B. Wang, X. Bi, K. Fang, et. al.
Thu, 26 Nov 20

Comments: 23 pages, 3 tables, 8 figures