A theoretical framework of BL Her stars. I. Effect of metallicity and convection parameters on period-luminosity and period-radius relations [SSA]


We present a new grid of convective BL Herculis models using the state-of-the-art 1D non-linear radial stellar pulsation tool MESA-RSP. We investigate the impact of metallicity and four sets of different convection parameters on multi-wavelength properties. Non-linear models were computed for periods typical for BL Her stars, i.e. $1 \leq \mathrm{P (days)} \leq 4$ covering a wide range of input parameters – metallicity ($-2.0\; \mathrm{dex} \leq \mathrm{[Fe/H]} \leq 0.0\; \mathrm{dex}$), stellar mass (0.5M${\odot}$-0.8M${\odot}$), luminosity (50L${\odot}$-300L${\odot}$) and effective temperature (full extent of the instability strip; in steps of 50K). The total number of BL Her models with full-amplitude stable pulsations used in this study is 10280 across the four sets of convection parameters. We obtain their multiband ($UBVRIJHKLL’M$) light curves and derive new theoretical period-luminosity ($PL$), period-Wesenheit ($PW$) and period-radius ($PR$) relations at mean light. We find that the models computed with radiative cooling show statistically similar slopes for $PL$, $PW$ and $PR$ relations. Most empirical relations match well with the theoretical $PL$, $PW$ and $PR$ relations from the BL Her models computed using the four sets of convection parameters. However, $PL$ slopes of the models with radiative cooling provide a better match to empirical relations for BL Her stars in the LMC in the $HK_S$ bands. For each set of convection parameters, the effect of metallicity is significant in $U$ and $B$-bands and negligible in infrared bands, which is consistent with empirical results. No significant metallicity effects are seen in the $PR$ relations.

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S. Das, S. Kanbur, R. Smolec, et. al.
Tue, 24 Nov 2020

Comments: 15 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS