Multi-color photometry and parameters estimation of Jupiter-sized exoplanets; TRES-3b, WASP-2b and HATP-30b [EPA]

Precise and frequent photometric follow-up studies of transit light curves are indispensable when accurately characterizing extrasolar planets. We present new multi-wavelength photometry of three transiting “Hot Jupiters”, TrES-3b, WASP-2b and HAT-P-30b (WASP-51b). Data were acquired from an 0.8 meter telescope at Tarleton State University. When combined with literature data, allowed us to redetermine system parameters in a corresponding way. We developed GCX reduction pipeline and TAP, modeling and light curve fitting package to analyze the extracted light curves. We then used weighted mean results to estimate the parameters from BVRI filters for three exoplanetary systems and compared them to previous results. We concluded our determined parameters are agreed with previous studies. From our study, TreS-3b with a mass of Mp = 1.773 Mjup and Rp = 1.305 Rjup appears slightly less massive, while HAT-P-30b, which has a mass of Mp = 0.7006Mjup and Rp = 1.5109Rjup appears to be a bloated “Hot Jupiter”. Additionally, we compared the results of our broadband photmetric analysis with the previous studies to search for transit depth wavelength dependence. We found a flat spectrum across optical wavelengths (except WASP-2b in R-band) for TrES-3b and WASP-2b, indicating the presence of clouds in their atmospheres. ForWASP-2b, Rp/R* value was 0.14215 which was 0.14$\sigma$ higher than in the previous work. HAT-P-30b had a significantly larger radius in B filter with Rp = 0.161246Rjup, resulting from Rp/R* = 0.1334, which was secondarily confirmed by the atmospheric scale height value, H = 1450km, indicating that HAT-P-30b is an inflated “Hot Jupiter”.

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M. Saeed, S. Goderya and F. Chishtie
Tue, 17 Nov 20

Comments: 16 pages, 8 figures, LaTeX