The effects of turbulence on galactic nuclear gas rings [GA]

The gas dynamics in the inner few kiloparsecs of barred galaxies often result in configurations that give rise to nuclear gas rings. A long-standing question is the relationship between the gas dynamics on few kpc-scales and gas transport to the inner few hundred pc. Here we compare hydrodynamic simulations of gas in two different galactic barred potentials out to a radius of $2$~kpc. We include self-gravity and a large-scale turbulence driving module. Our aim is to study how gaseous nuclear rings’ formation is affected by changing the gravitational potential, the bar pattern speed, and the strength of the turbulence. The former two were studied in the literature; we use two different gravitational potentials that represent the inner few kpc of the Galaxy, and two values for the bar pattern speed (40 and 63 km s$^{-1}$ kpc$^{-1}$). We find that a bar pattern speed of 63 km s$^{-1}$ kpc$^{-1}$, in concurrence with a large turbulent energy injection, yields results that are consistent with 1) measurements of the inclination of the bar with respect to the line of sight, and 2) observed line-of-sight velocity signatures of the Central Molecular Zone.

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J. Salas, S. Naoz and M. Morris
Mon, 12 Oct 20

Comments: 15 pages, 9 figures, 1 table