Gravitational wave friction in light of GW170817 and GW190521 [CL]

We use the gravitational wave (GW) events GW170817 and GW190521, together with their proposed electromagnetic counterparts, to constrain cosmological parameters and theories of gravity beyond General Relativity (GR). In particular we consider models with a time-varying Planck mass, large extra-dimensions, and a phenomenological parametrization covering several beyond-GR theories. In all three cases, this introduces a friction term into the GW propagation equation, effectively modifying the GW luminosity distance. We set constraints on $\Lambda$CDM parameters and GR deviation parameters using two sets of priors on the Hubble constant and matter energy density. With priors set to the measured Planck’s mission values, we find that with the inclusion of GW190521, the two GR deviation parameters constraints improves by a factor $\sim 10$, we report a number of spacetime dimensions compatible with $4$ with an precision of $2.5\%$ (at 95\% CL) and an upper limit to the variation of Netwon’s constant at the epoch of GW170817 $<20\%$. With wide priors on the Hubble constant and matter energy density, we show that it is still possible to constrain the $\Lambda$CDM parameters and GR deviation parameters conjointly from GW170817 and GW190521 obtaining constraints on GR deviation parameters which are a factor $2-6$ worse than the results using restricted priors on $\Lambda$CDM parameters.

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S. Mastrogiovanni, L. Haegel, C. Karathanasis, et. al.
Fri, 9 Oct 20

Comments: 17 pages, 6 figures, submitted to JCAP