The progenitor of the supernova imposter AT 2019krl: a SN 2008S-like transient from a blue supergiant [SSA]

For a recent intermediate-luminosity transient, AT 2019krl in M74 (NGC 628) at a distance of only ~9.8 Mpc, extensive archival $\textit{Hubble Space Telescope (HST)}$, $\textit{Spitzer Space Telescope}$, and Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) imaging reveal a bright optical and MIR progenitor star. A peak was detected in the infrared with an absolute magnitude of $M_{4.5\,\mu {\rm m}} = -18.4$ mag, leading us to infer a visual-wavelength peak absolute magnitude of $-$13.5 to $-$14.5. The light curve from the pre-discovery archival data indicated no outbursts over the previous 16yr. The colors, magnitudes, and inferred temperatures of the progenitor best match a 13–14 M${\odot}$ yellow or blue supergiant, if only foreground extinction is taken into account, or a hotter and more massive star, if any additional local extinction is included. A pre-eruption spectrum of the star reveals strong H$\alpha$ emission having a narrow line core with a width of about 200 km s$^{-1}$ (FWHM) and with wings extending to $\pm$ 2000 km s$^{-1}$. The post-eruption spectrum is fairly flat and featureless with only H$\alpha$, Na I D, [Ca II], and the Ca II near-infrared triplet in emission, with very little change in the shape of H$\alpha$ over 120 days. As in many previous intermediate-luminosity transients, AT 2019krl shows remarkable similarities to both massive luminous blue variable (LBV) eruptions and SN 2008S-like events. However, in this case, the information about the pre-eruption star allows us to clearly rule out both a super-AGB star and an electron-capture SN as the origin of this SN 2008S-like event. Instead, the data favor either a relatively unobscured blue supergiant (likely viewed pole-on) or a highly extinguished LBV with $M >$ 20 M${\odot}$, confirming that BSGs or LBVs that may undergo mergers are a viable progenitor pathway to produce SN 2008S-like events.

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J. Andrews, J. Jencson, S. Dyk, et. al.
Wed, 30 Sep 2020

Comments: Submitted to ApJ