Formation of compact galaxies in the Extreme-Horizon simulation [GA]

We present the Extreme-Horizon (EH) cosmological simulation: EH models galaxy formation with stellar and AGN feedback and uses a very high resolution in the intergalactic and circumgalactic medium. The high resolution in low-density regions results in smaller-size massive galaxies at redshift $z=2$, in better agreement with observations compared to other simulations. This results from the improved modeling of cold gas flows accreting onto galaxies. Besides, the EH simulation forms a population of particularly compact galaxies with stellar masses of $10^{10-11}$\,M$_\sun$ that are reminiscent of observed ultracompact galaxies at $z\simeq2$. These objects form mainly through repeated major mergers of low-mass progenitors, independently of baryonic feedback mechanisms. This formation process can be missed in simulations using a too low resolution in low-density intergalactic regions.

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S. Chabanier, F. Bournaud, Y. Dubois, et. al.
Fri, 10 Jul 20

Comments: Submitted to A&A Link to a projection of the simulation at z = 2 in high definition: this http URL