Discovery of a Sample of Helium-rich Superluminous Supernovae by Zwicky Transient Facility [SSA]

Helium is expected to be present in the ejecta of some hydrogen-poor superluminous supernovae (SLSN-I). However, so far only one event, PTF10hgi has been identified with He features in its photospheric spectra (Quimby et al. 2018). At $z=0.0866$, ZTF19aawfbtg (SN2019hge) has more than 10 optical spectra at phases from $-41$ to $+103$ days. Most of these spectra match well with that of PTF10hgi, suggesting SN2019hge as the second case of a He-rich SLSN-I. Confirmation comes from its near-IR spectrum taken at $+34$ days, revealing He I features with P-Cygni profiles at 1.083 and 2.058$\mu$m. Using the optical spectra of PTF10hgi and SN2019hge as templates, we examine 70 SLSN-I discovered by ZTF in the first two years of operation and found additional five SLSN-I with distinct He-features, yielding a lower limit to the He-rich fraction of $\sim9$\%. It is suggested that the excitation of He I atoms requires non-thermal radiation. These He-rich events can not be explained by traditional $^{56}$Ni mixing model because of their blue spectra, high peak luminosity and slow rising time scales. Magnetar models offer a possible solution since pulsar winds naturally generate high energy particles as sources of non-thermal excitation. However, how the magnetar energy is transported to the outer layers is unclear. An alternative model is ejecta interaction with H-poor CSM which may be supported by the observed light curve undulations. These six SLSN-Ib appear to have relatively low-peak luminosities, around $-20.06\pm0.16$ mag ($g$-band, rest-frame), in comparison to the full range of $-20$ to $-23$ mag covered by SLSN-I.

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L. Yan, D. Perley, S. Schulze, et. al.
Thu, 25 Jun 20

Comments: 12 pages, 5 figures, Submitted to ApJL. Comments are welcome