Prospects for radio detection of stellar plasma beams [SSA]

Violent solar eruptions are often accompanied by relativistic beams of charged particles. In the solar context, they are referred to as SPEs (Solar Particle Events) and are known to generate a characteristic swept-frequency radio burst. Due to their ionizing potential, such beams influence atmospheric chemistry and habitability. Radio observations provide a crucial discriminant between stellar flares that do and do not generate particle beams. Here I use solar empirical data and semi-quantitative theoretical estimates to gauge the feasibility of detecting the associated radio bursts. My principal conclusion is that a dedicated search for swept frequency radio bursts on second-timescales in existing low-frequency ($\nu\lesssim 10^2\,{\rm MHz}$) datasets, while technically challenging, will likely evidence high energy particles beams in Sun-like stars.

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H. Vedantham
Tue, 23 Jun 20

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