Hydrodynamic Properties of the Sun's Giant Cellular Flows [SSA]


Measurements of the large cellular flows on the Sun were made by local correlation tracking of supergranules seen in full-disk Doppler images obtained by the HMI instrument on the NASA SDO satellite. The hourly measurements were averaged over 34 days to produce daily maps of the latitudinal and longitudinal velocities. While flows at all latitudes are largely in the form of vortices with left-handed helicity in the north and right-handed helicity in the south, there are key distinctions between the low latitude and high latitudes cells. The low latitude cells have roughly circular shapes, lifetimes of about one month, rotate nearly rigidly, do not drift in latitude, and do not exhibit any correlation between longitudinal and latitudinal flow. The high latitude cells have long extensions that spiral inward toward the poles. They have lifetimes of several months, rotate differentially with latitude, drift poleward at speeds approaching 2 m s$^{-1}$, and have a strong correlation between prograde and equatorward flows. Spherical harmonic spectral analyses confirm that the flows are dominated by the curl component with RMS velocities of about 12 m s$^{-1}$ at wavenumber $\ell$ = 10. Fourier transforms in time indicate two notable components – an $m = \pm\ell$ feature representing the low latitude component and an $m = \pm1$ feature representing the high latitude component. The dispersion relation for the low latitude component is well represented by that derived for Rossby waves. The high latitude component has a constant temporal frequency for all $\ell$ indicating features advected by differential rotation at rates representative of the base of the convection zone high latitudes. The poleward motions of these features further suggest that the high latitude meridional flow at the base of the convection zone is poleward – not equatorward.

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D. Hathaway and L. Upton
Fri, 12 Jun 20

Comments: 16 pages, 11 figures