Quiet Sun electron densities and their uncertainties derived from spectral emission line intensities [SSA]


The goal of this paper is to apply statistical methods to determine electrons densities and their errors from measurements of density-sensitive line intensities in the quiet Sun. Three methods are employed. The first is the use of L-function plots to provide a quick visual assessment of the likelihood that a set of line intensities can provide a robust estimate of these quantities. A second methods involves a chi-squared minimization together with a prescription for determining the regions of statistical confidence in addition to the best-fitting value. A third method uses a Bayesian inference technique that employs a Monte-Carlo Markov-chain (MCMC) calculation from which an analysis of the posterior distributions provide estimates of the mean and regions of high probability density. Using these three methods, observations of extreme-ultraviolet spectral lines originating from regions of the quiet Sun have been analyzed. The quantitative chi-squared minimization and MCMC sampling provide results that are generally in good agreement, especially for sets of lines of ions that have L-function plots that suggest that a robust analysis might be possible.

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K. Dere
Tue, 9 Jun 20

Comments: 13 pages, 16 figures