Network Jets as the Driver of Counter-Streaming Flows in a Solar Filament/Filament Channel [SSA]

Counter-streaming flows in a small (100″ -long) solar filament/filament channel are directly observed in high-resolution SDO/AIA EUV images of a region of enhanced magnetic network. We combine images from SDO/AIA, SDO/HMI and IRIS to investigate the driving mechanism of these flows. We find that: (i) counter-streaming flows are present along adjacent filament/filament channel threads for about 2 hours, (ii) both ends of the filament/filament channel are rooted at the edges of magnetic network flux lanes along which there are impinging fine-scale opposite-polarity flux patches, (iii) recurrent small-scale jets (known as network jets) occur at the edges of the magnetic network flux lanes at the ends of the filament/filament channel, (iv) the recurrent network jet eruptions clearly drive the counter-streaming flows along threads of the filament/filament channel, (v) some of the network jets appear to stem from sites of flux cancelation, between network flux and merging opposite-polarity flux, and (vi) some show brightening at their bases, analogous to the base brightening in coronal jets. The average speed of the counter-streaming flows along the filament/filament channel threads is 70 km/s. The average widths of the AIA filament/filament channel and the Halpha filament are 4″ and 2.5″, respectively, consistent with the earlier findings that filaments in EUV images are wider than in Halpha images. Thus, our observations show that the continually repeated counter-streaming flows come from network jets, and these driving network-jet eruptions are possibly prepared and triggered by magnetic flux cancelation.

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N. Panesar, S. Tiwari, R. Moore, et. al.
Tue, 9 Jun 20

Comments: 12 pages, 7 figures and 1 table; Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters