Say hello to Algol D and Algol E [SSA]

Regular changes in the observed (O) and the computed (C) epochs of binary eclipses may reveal the presence of a third or a fourth body. One recent study showed that the probability for detecting a fourth body from the O-C data is only 0.00005. We apply the new Discrete Chi-square Method (DCM) to the O-C data of Algol, and detect three wide orbit stars having orbital periods 1.9 years (Algol C), 18.6 years (Algol D) and 52.5 years (Algol E). Since our estimate for the period of Algol C agrees perfectly with the previous estimates, the signals of Algol D and Algol E are certainly real. The orbits of all these three wide orbit stars are most probably co-planar, because no changes have been observed in eclipses of Algol.

Read this paper on arXiv…

L. Jetsu
Thu, 28 May 20

Comments: 5 pages, 3 figures, 4 Tables