Mergers of Equal-Mass Binaries with Compact Object Companions from Mass Transfer in Triple Star Systems [SSA]

In this paper, we consider triple systems composed of main-sequence (MS) stars, and their internal evolution due to stellar and binary evolution. Our focus is on triples that produce white dwarfs (WDs), where Roche lobe overflow of an evolving tertiary triggers accretion onto the inner binary via a circumbinary disk (CBD) driving it toward a mass ratio of unity. We present a combination of analytic- and population synthesis-based calculations performed using the \texttt{SeBa} code to constrain the expected frequency of such systems, given a realistic initial population of MS triples, and provide the predicted distributions of orbital periods. We identify the parameter space for triples that can accommodate a CBD, to inform future numerical simulations of suitable initial conditions. We find that $\lesssim$ 10\% of all MS triples should be able to accommodate a CBD around the inner binary, and compute lower limits for the production rates. This scenario broadly predicts mergers of near equal-mass binaries, producing blue stragglers (BSs), Type Ia supernovae, gamma ray bursts and gravitational wave-induced mergers, along with the presence of an outer WD tertiary companion. We compare our predicted distributions to a sample of field BS binaries, and argue that our proposed mechanism explains the observed range of orbital periods. Finally, the mechanism considered here could produce hypervelocity MS stars, WDs and even millisecond pulsars with masses close to the Chandrasekhar mass limit, and be used to constrain the maximum remnant masses at the time of any supernova explosion.

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N. Leigh, S. Toonen, S. Zwart, et. al.
Mon, 18 May 20

Comments: 15 pages, 7 figures; submitted for publication, comments welcome