Dark Higgs Dark Matter [CL]


A new $U(1)$ dark gauge group coupled to the Standard Model (SM) via the kinetic mixing portal provides a natural dark matter candidate in the form of the Higgs field, $h_d$, responsible for generating the mass of the dark photon, $\gamma_d$. We show that the condition $m_{h_d}\leq m_{\gamma_d}$, together with smallness of the kinetic mixing parameter, $\epsilon$, and/or dark gauge coupling, $g_d$, leads the dark Higgs to be sufficiently metastable to constitute dark matter. We analyze the Universe’s thermal history and show that both freeze-in, ${\rm SM}\to {\gamma_d, h_d}$, and freeze-out, $ {\gamma_d, h_d} \to {\rm SM}$, processes can lead to viable dark Higgs dark matter with a sub-GeV mass and a kinetic mixing parameter in the range $10^{-13}\lesssim\epsilon\lesssim10^{-6}$. Observable signals in astrophysics and cosmology include modifications to primordial elemental abundances, altered energetics of supernovae explosions, dark Higgs decays in the late Universe, and dark matter self-interactions.

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C. Mondino, M. Pospelov, J. Ruderman, et. al.
Thu, 7 May 20

Comments: 5 pages, 3 appendices, 7 figures