Plasmon production from dark matter scattering [CL]

We present a first calculation of the rate for plasmon production in semiconductors from nuclei recoiling against dark matter. The process is analogous to bremsstrahlung of transverse photon modes, but with a longitudinal plasmon mode emitted instead. For dark matter in the 10 MeV – 1 GeV mass range, we find that the plasmon bremsstrahlung rate is 4-5 orders of magnitude smaller than that for elastic scattering, but 4-5 orders of magnitude larger than the transverse bremsstrahlung rate. Because the plasmon can decay into electronic excitations and has characteristic energy given by the plasma frequency $\omega_p$, with $\omega_p \approx 16$ eV in Si crystals, plasmon production provides a distinctive signature and new method to detect nuclear recoils from sub-GeV dark matter.

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J. Kozaczuk and T. Lin
Mon, 30 Mar 20

Comments: 10 pages