Galaxy redshift-space bispectrum: the Importance of Being Anisotropic [CEA]

We forecast the benefits induced by adding the bispectrum anisotropic signal to the standard, two- and three-point, clustering statistics analysis. In particular, we forecast cosmological parameter constraints including the bispectrum higher multipoles terms together with the galaxy power spectrum (monopole plus quadrupole) and isotropic bispectrum (monopole) data vectors. To do so, an analytical covariance matrix model is presented. This template is carefully calibrated on well-known terms of a numerical covariance matrix estimated from a set of simulated galaxy catalogues. After testing the calibration using the power spectrum and isotropic bispectrum measurements from the same set of simulations, we extend the covariance modelling to the galaxy bispectrum higher multipoles. Using this covariance matrix we proceed to perform cosmological parameter inference using a suitably generated mock data vector. Including the bispectrum mutipoles up to the hexadecapole, yields 1-D $68\%$ credible regions for the set of parameters $(b_1,b_2,f,\sigma_8,f_\mathrm{NL},\alpha_\perp, \alpha_\parallel)$ tighter by a factor of 30$\%$ on average for $k_\mathrm{max}=0.09\,h$/Mpc, significantly reducing at the same time the degeneracies present in the posterior distribution.

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D. Gualdi and L. Verde
Mon, 30 Mar 20

Comments: 26 pages + Appendix, 15 figures