A magnetar engine for short GRBs and kilonovae [HEAP]


The inspiral and merger of two neutron stars (NSs) are among the loudest and most luminous events in the universe. Radioactive material ejected during and after the merger powers a kilonova transient and synthesizes the heaviest elements in the universe. Jetted outflows from the merger remnant can launch a sGRB. The multimessenger observations of GW170817 have confirmed our basic understanding of NS mergers (NSMs) but two key open astrophysics problems for NSMs are how to generate fast-enough outflows to explain the observed blue kilonova component in GW170817 and whether magnetars can launch sGRB jets. Previous simulations have found that baryon pollution of the polar region prevents the launch of a sGRB jet, but these simulations did not include neutrino effects. We have performed dynamical-spacetime general-relativistic (GR) magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of NSM remnants including a nuclear equation of state (EOS) and neutrino effects. We find that turbulence induced by the magnetorotational instability (MRI) amplifies magnetic fields to beyond magnetar-strength ($\gtrsim 10^{15}\, \mathrm{G}$) and that this field is efficient in launching a relativistic jet from the magnetar. An additional magnetized wind ejects neutron-rich material with a rate of $\dot{M}{\mathrm{ej}} \simeq 1 \times10^{-1}\, \mathrm{M{\odot}\, s^{-1}}$ at high velocities. Our simulations demonstrate that magnetars formed in NSMs are a viable engine for both sGRBs and kilonova.

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P. Mösta, D. Radice, R. Haas, et. al.
Mon, 16 Mar 20

Comments: Submitted version