Turbulent mixing of r-process elements in the Milky Way [HEAP]


We study turbulent gas diffusion affects on the observed $r$-process abundances in Milky Way stars, by a combination of an analytical approach and a Monte Carlo simulation. Higher $r$-process event rates and faster diffusion, lead to more efficient mixing corresponding to a reduced scatter of $r$-process abundances and causing $r$-process enriched stars to start appearing at lower metallicity values. We use three independent observations to constrain the model parameters: (i) the scatter of radioactively stable $r$-process element abundances, (ii) the largest $r$-process enrichment values observed in any solar neighborhood stars and (iii) the isotope abundance ratios of different radioactive $r$-process elements ($^{244}$Pu/$^{238}$U and $^{247}$Cm/$^{238}$U) at the early solar system as compared to their formation ratios. Our results indicate that the Galactic $r$-process rate and the diffusion coefficient are respectively $r<4\times 10^{-5}\mbox{ yr}^{-1}, D>0.1 \mbox{ kpc}^2\mbox{Gyr}^{-1}$ ($r<4\times 10^{-6}\mbox{ yr}^{-1}, D>0.5 \mbox{ kpc}^2\mbox{Gyr}^{-1}$ for collapsars or similarly prolific $r$-process sources) with allowed values satisfying an approximate anti-correlation such that $D\approx r^{-2/3}$, implying that the time between two $r$-process events that enrich the same location in the Galaxy, is $\tau_{\rm mix}\approx 100-200\mbox{ Myr}$. This suggests that a fraction of $\sim 0.8$ ($\sim 0.5$) of the observed $^{247}$Cm ($^{244}$Pu) abundance is dominated by one $r$-process event in the early solar system. Radioactively stable element abundances are dominated by contributions from $\sim 10$ different events in the early solar system. For metal poor stars (with [Fe/H]$\lesssim -2$), their $r$-process abundances are dominated by either a single or several events, depending on the star formation history.

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P. Beniamini and K. Hotokezaka
Wed, 4 Mar 20

Comments: 10 pages, 10 figures