VMC J021140.41-735320.4 — an extremely red L dwarf candidate member of the AB Doradus young moving group [SSA]


We report the discovery of VMC J021140.41-735320.4, a faint ($J=19.9$ mag) and extremely red ($J-K_s=3.0$ mag, $W1-W2=0.45$ mag, $J-W2=4.7$ mag) high proper motion object in front of the Magellanic Bridge region. It is even redder in the near-infrared than the reddest L7 dwarfs ($J-K_s \gtrsim 2.8$ mag) found in the survey of Schneider et al. (2017) and its colours do also not match exactly those of other peculiar red L7.5 dwarfs. Therefore, we consider its photometric distance estimate of about 73 pc as uncertain. A preliminary combined proper motion and parallax solution involving 20 epochs from the Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA) survey of the Magellanic Clouds (VMC), the VISTA hemisphere survey (VHS), and the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) yields $\mu_{\alpha}\cos{\delta}=+74.3\pm3.4$ mas/yr, $\mu_{\delta}=+22.3\pm3.4$ mas/yr, and $\pi=21.0\pm7.1$ mas. Applying the BANYAN tool (this http URL) to these results we find a $\approx$68% membership probability of this object in the AB Doradus young moving group (YMG). With its trignometric distance of $\approx$48 pc, VMC J021140.41-735320.4 has a similar absolute magnitude of $M_{K_s}\approx13.4$ mag as the planetary mass companion of another AB Doradus YMG member candidate, 2MASS J22362452+4751425. Follow-up classification spectroscopy and astrometric monitoring are recommended.

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R. Scholz, L. Pangsy and M. Cioni
Mon, 24 Feb 20

Comments: 2 pages, 1 figure, published in RNAAS (abstract not included in original paper)