ProSpect: Generating Rapid Spectral Energy Distributions with Complex Star Formation and Metallicity Histories [GA]

We introduce ProSpect, a generative galaxy spectral energy distribution code that can also be used for parameter inference. ProSpect comes with two popular families of stellar population libraries (BC03 and EMILES), and a large variety of methods to construct star formation and metallicity histories. It models dust through the use of a Charlot & Fall (2000) attenuation model with re-emission using Dale, et al. (2014) far-infrared templates. It also has the ability to model AGN through the inclusion of a simple AGN and hot torus model. Finally, it makes use of MAPPINGS-III photoionisation tables to produce line emission features. We test the generative and inversion utility of ProSpect through application to the Shark semi-analytic code, and informed by these results produce fits to the final photometric catalogues produces by the Galaxy and Mass Assembly Survey (GAMA). As part of the testing of ProSpect, we also produce a range of simple photometric stellar mass approximations covering a range of filters for both observed frame and rest frame photometry.

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A. Robotham, S. Bellstedt, C. Lagos, et. al.
Tue, 18 Feb 20

Comments: 24 pages, 35 figures, 8 tables. Submitted to MNRAS in Dec 2019- having waited two months, posting now for ESOz 2020 meeting