Multifractal signatures of gravitational waves detected by LIGO [HEAP]

We analyze the data from the 6 gravitational waves signals detected by LIGO through the lens of multifractal formalism using the MFDMA method, as well as shuffled and surrogate procedures. We identified two regimes of multifractality in the strain measure of the time series by examining long memory and the presence of nonlinearities. The moment used to divide the series into two parts separates these two regimes and can be interpreted as the moment of collision between the black holes. An empirical relationship between the variation in left side diversity and the chirp mass of each event was also determined.

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D. Freitas, M. Nepomuceno and J. Medeiros
Wed, 1 Jan 20

Comments: 7 pages, 3 figures, proceedings of IAU Symposium 346: High-mass X-ray binaries: illuminating the passage from massive binaries to merging compact objects