Coronal properties of black hole X-ray binaries in the hard state as seen by NuSTAR and Swift [HEAP]

In this work, we measure two important phenomenological parameters of corona (and hot accretion flow) in black hole X-ray binaries: the photon index $\Gamma$ and the electron temperature $\te$. Thanks to the capability of {\it NuSTAR} in hard X-rays, we measure these two parameters over six orders of magnitude in the 0.1-100 keV X-ray luminosity $\lx$, from $\sim 5\times10^{38} \ergs$ down to as low as $\sim 5\times10^{32} \ergs$. We confirm the existence of a “V”-shaped correlation between $\Gamma$ and $\lx$. Surprisingly, we observe a “$\Lambda$”-shaped correlation between $\te$ and $\lx$. The “cooler when brighter” branch in the high luminosity regime ($\lx \ga 3\times 10^{36} \ergs$) agrees with previous results and can be understood under the existing model of Compton scattering in the corona. On the other hand, the apparent “cooler when fainter” (positive $\te$-$\lx$ correlation) branch in the low-luminosity regime ($\lx \la 3\times 10^{36} \ergs$) is unexpected, thus it puts a new challenge to existing models of hot accretion flow/corona.

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Z. Yan, F. Xie and W. Zhang
Mon, 30 Dec 19

Comments: accepted for publication in ApJL