Penumbral brightening events observed in AR NOAA 12546 [SSA]

Penumbral transient brightening events have been attributed to magnetic reconnection episodes occurring in the low corona. We investigated the trigger mechanism of these events in active region NOAA 12546 by using multi-wavelength observations obtained with the Interferometric Bidimensional Spectrometer (IBIS), by the \textit{Solar Dynamics Observatory} (SDO), the \textit{Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph} (IRIS), and the \textit{Hinode} satellites. We focused on the evolution of an area of the penumbra adjacent to two small-scale emerging flux regions (EFRs), which manifested three brightening events detected from the chromosphere to the corona. Two of these events correspond to B-class flares. The same region showed short-lived moving magnetic features (MMFs) that streamed out from the penumbra. In the photosphere, the EFRs led to small-scale penumbral changes associated with a counter-Evershed flow and to a reconfiguration of the magnetic fields in the moat. The brightening events had one of the footpoints embedded in the penumbra and seemed to result from the distinctive interplay between the pre-existing penumbral fields, MMFs, and the EFRs. The \textit{IRIS} spectra measured therein reveal enhanced temperature and asymmetries in spectral lines, suggestive of event triggering at different height in the atmosphere. Specifically, the blue asymmetry noted in \ion{C}{2} and \ion{Mg}{2} h\&k lines suggests the occurrence of chromospheric evaporation at the footpoint located in the penumbra as a consequence of magnetic reconnection process at higher atmospheric heigths.

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M. Murabito, S. Guglielmino, I. Ermolli, et. al.
Fri, 13 Dec 19

Comments: 14 pages, accepted for ApJ; some figures are in B/W to accomplish size limits