Transiting planets provide a unique opportunity to search for unseen additional bodies gravitationally bound to a system. It is possible to detect the motion of the center-of-mass of the observed transiting planet-host star duo due to the gravitational tugs of the unseen bodies from the Roemer delay. In order to achieve the goal, determination of the mid-times of the transits of the planets in high precision and accuracy and correct them for the orbital motion of the Earth is a primary condition. We present transit timing variations and update the ephemeris information of 5 transiting planets; HAT-P-23b, WASP-103b, GJ-1214b, WASP-69b, and KELT-3b within this contribution, based on all the quality transit light curves from amateur and professional observers, converted to Dynamic Barycentric Julian Days (BJD-TDB).
O. Basturk, E. Esmer, S. Torun, et. al.
Wed, 20 Nov 19
Comments: 8 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables, presented in Turkish Physical Society 35th International Physics Conference (this http URL), a four-page version has been submitted and accepted for publication in American Institute of Physics Conference Series
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