Non-equilibrium antineutrinos of primordial nucleosynthesis [CL]

During the era of primordial nucleosynthesis the background of non-equilibrium antineutrinos is being formed due to decays of neutrons and nuclei of tritium. The spectra of antineutrinos of this background were calculated taking into account the Coulomb interaction between electron and daughter nucleus in $\beta^\text{–}$-decay. The dependence of these spectra on the value of the baryon-to-photon ratio $\eta$ at the period of primordial nucleosynthesis is investigated. The observations of these antineutrinos will allow us to look directly at the very early Universe and nonequilibrium processes taken place before, during, and some time after primordial nucleosynthesis. In any case, this phenomenon is one more aspect in the picture of the standard cosmological model.

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V. Yurchenko and A. Ivanchik
Wed, 13 Nov 19

Comments: 13 pages, 5 figures