Cosmology from the two-dimensional renormalization group acting as the Ricci flow [CEA]

The two-dimensional renormalization group acting as the Ricci flow $\Lambda\frac{\partial}{\partial\Lambda} g_{\mu\nu} = R_{\mu\nu}$ produces a specific 1+3 dimensional space-time metric which describes an expanding universe that starts with a big bang $a \sim t^{\scriptscriptstyle 1/\sqrt3}$ then decelerates until $z=0.2$ then accelerates until ending at $t_{\max}=1.6\,t_{H}$ with a big blowup $a \sim (t_{\max}-t)^{\scriptscriptstyle -1/\sqrt3}$. The only free parameters are the overall time scale and the value of the present time $t_{0}$. These are fixed by the Hubble constant $H_{0}=t_{H}^{-1}$ and the present deceleration parameter $q(t_{0})$. This crude calculation of cosmology omits all but the gravitational field. The only energy-momentum is purely gravitational dark matter and energy. This is a preliminary exploration towards a specific, comprehensive, testable calculation of cosmology from a fundamental theory in which physics is produced by a quantum version of the two-dimensional renormalization group.

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D. Friedan
Thu, 5 Sep 19

Comments: 6 pages, 2 figures, supplementary material (a pdf file showing calculations and three SageMath notebooks performing numerical calculations)