Runaway Young Stars in the Orion Nebula [SSA]

The star forming region of the Orion Nebula (ONC) is ideal to study the stellar dynamics of young stars in a clustered environment. Using Gaia DR2 we search for the pre-main sequence stars with unusually high proper motions that may be representative of a dynamical ejection from unstable young triple systems or other close three-body encounters. We identify twenty-six candidate stars that are likely to have had such an encounter in the last 1 Myr. Nine of these stars could be traced back to the densest central-most region of the ONC, the Trapezium, while five others have likely interactions with other OB-type stars in the cluster. Seven stars originate from other nearby populations within the Orion Complex that coincidentally scattered towards the ONC. A definitive point of origin cannot be identified for the remaining sources. These observations shed light on the frequency of the ejection events in young clusters.

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A. McBride and M. Kounkel
Thu, 22 Aug 19

Comments: Accepted to ApJ, 8 pages, 4 figures