The subgiant HR 7322 as an asteroseismic benchmark star [SSA]

We present an in-depth analysis of the bright subgiant HR 7322 (KIC 10005473) using Kepler short-cadence photometry, optical interferometry from CHARA, high-resolution spectra from SONG, and stellar modelling using GARSTEC grids and the Bayesian grid-fitting algorithm BASTA. HR 7322 is only the second subgiant with high-quality Kepler asteroseismology for which we also have interferometric data. We find a limb-darkened angular diameter of $0.443 \pm 0.007$ mas, which, combined with a distance derived using the parallax from Gaia DR2 and a bolometric flux, yields a linear radius of $2.00 \pm 0.03$ R$_{\odot}$ and an effective temperature of $6350 \pm 90$ K. HR 7322 exhibits solar-like oscillations, and using the asteroseismic scaling relations and revisions thereof, we find good agreement between asteroseismic and interferometric stellar radius. The level of precision reached by the careful modelling is to a great extent due to the presence of an avoided crossing in the dipole oscillation mode pattern of HR 7322. We find that the standard models predict radius systematically smaller than the observed interferometric one and that a sub-solar mixing length parameter is needed to achieve a good fit to individual oscillation frequencies, interferometric temperature, and spectroscopic metallicity.

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A. Stokholm, P. Nissen, V. Aguirre, et. al.
Mon, 12 Aug 19

Comments: 13 pages, 9 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in MNRAS