Reflection-driven MHD turbulence in the solar atmosphere and solar wind [CL]

We present 3D numerical simulations and an analytic model of reflection-driven MHD turbulence in the solar wind. Our simulations describe transverse, non-compressive MHD fluctuations within a narrow magnetic flux tube that extends from the photosphere out to a heliocentric distance $r$ of 21 solar radii $(R_s)$. We launch outward-propagating “$z^+$ fluctuations” into the simulation domain by imposing a randomly evolving photospheric velocity field. As these fluctuations propagate away from the Sun, they undergo partial reflection, producing inward-propagating “$z^-$ fluctuations.” Counter-propagating fluctuations subsequently interact, causing fluctuation energy to cascade to small scales and dissipate. Our analytic model incorporates alignment, allows for strongly or weakly turbulent nonlinear interactions, and divides the $z^+$ fluctuations into two populations with different characteristic radial correlation lengths. The inertial-range power spectra in our simulations evolve toward a $k_\perp^{-3/2}$ scaling at $r>10 R_s$, where $k_\perp$ is the wave-vector component perpendicular to the background magnetic field. In two of our simulations, the $z^+$ power spectra are much flatter between the coronal base and $r \simeq 4 R_s$. We argue that these spectral scalings are caused by: (1) high-pass filtering in the upper chromosphere; (2) the anomalous coherence of inertial-range $z^-$ fluctuations in a reference frame propagating outwards with the $z^+$ fluctuations; and (3) the change in the sign of the radial derivative of the Alfv\’en speed at $r=r_m \simeq 1.7 R_s$, which disrupts this anomalous coherence between $r=r_m$ and $r\simeq 2r_m$. At $r>1.3 R_s$, the turbulent heating rate in our simulations is comparable to the heating rate in a previously developed solar-wind model that agreed with a number of observational constraints.

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B. Chandran and J. Perez
Mon, 5 Aug 19

Comments: 40 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in the Journal of Plasma Physics