Effects of infall and outflow on massive star-forming regions [GA]


A total of 188 high-mass outflows have been identified from a sample of 694 clumps from the Millimetre Astronomy Legacy Team 90 GHz survey, representing a detection rate of approximately 27%. The detection rate of outflows increases from the protostellar stage to the H II stage, but decreases again at the photodissociation (PDR) stage suggesting that outflows are being switched off during the PDR stage. An intimate relationship is found between outflow action and the presence of masers, and water masers appear together with 6.7 GHz methanol masers. Comparing the infall detection rate of clumps with and without outflows, we find that outflow candidates have a lower infall detection rate. Finally, we find that outflow action has some influence on the local environment and the clump itself, and this influence decreases with increasing evolutionary time as the outflow action ceases.

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Q. Li, J. Zhou, J. Esimbek, et. al.
Thu, 25 Jul 19

Comments: 10 pages, 11 figures, MNRAS, Accepted