We report results of numerical relativity simulations of binary neutron star mergers. We perform simulations for {\it new} 26 non-spinning binary models with 6 grid resolutions using an adaptive mesh refinement numerical relativity code {\tt SACRA-MPI}. The finest grid spacing is $\approx 64$ m. First, we derive long-term high-precision inspiral gravitational waveforms for calibrating the SACRA gravitational waveform template. We find that the accumulated gravitational-wave phase error due to the finite grid resolution is less than $0.5$ radian during more than $200$ radian phase evolution irrespective of the models. We also find that the gravitational-wave phase error for a model with a tabulated equation of state is comparable to that for a piece-wise polytropic equation of state. Then we calibrate the proposed universal relations between a post-merger gravitational wave signal and tidal deformability/neutron star radius in the literature. We find that they suffer from systematics and many relations proposed as universal are not very universal. We also propose improved fitting formulae. Finally, we validate\ the SACRA gravitational waveform template which will be used to extract tidal deformability from gravitational wave observation and find that accuracy of our waveform modeling is $\lesssim 0.1$ radian in the gravitational-wave phase and $\lesssim 20 \%$ in the gravitational-wave amplitude up to the gravitational-wave frequency $1000$ Hz.
K. Kiuchi, K. Kyohei, K. Kyutoku, et. al.
Wed, 10 Jul 19
Comments: 26 pages, 23 figures, to be submitted to PRD. See this http URL for waveform data
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