Spectro-timing analysis of MAXI J1535-571 using AstroSat [HEAP]


We report the results of the analysis of an AstroSat observation of the Black Hole candidate MAXI J1535-571 during its Hard Intermediate state. We studied the evolution of the spectral and timing parameters of the source during the observation. The observation covered a period of $\sim$5 days and consisted of 66 continuous segments, corresponding to individual spacecraft orbits. Each segment was analysed independently. The source count rate increased roughly linearly by $\sim$30 %. We modelled the spectra as a combination of radiation from a thermal disk component and a power-law. The timing analysis revealed the presence of strong Quasi Periodic Oscillations with centroid frequency $\nu_{\rm{QPO}}$ fluctuating in the range 1.7-3.0 Hz. We found a tight correlation between the QPO centroid frequency $\nu_{\rm{QPO}}$ and the power-law spectral index $\Gamma$, while $\nu_{\rm{QPO}}$ appeared not to be correlated with the linearly-increasing flux itself. We discuss the implications of these results on physical models of accretion.

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Y. Bhargava, T. Belloni, D. Bhattacharya, et. al.
Wed, 26 Jun 19

Comments: 8 pages, 8 figures; Accepted in MNRAS