Radial evolution of stochastic heating in low-$β$ solar wind [CL]


We consider the radial evolution of perpendicular ion heating due to the violation of magnetic moment conservation caused by Alfven and kinetic Alfven wave turbulence. This process, referred to as stochastic heating, can be quantified by the ratio between the average velocity fluctuations at the ion gyroradius and the perpendicular ion thermal speed $\epsilon \equiv \delta v / v_{t\perp}$. Using 17 years of Helios observations, we constrain how much energy could be dissipated by this mechanism between 0.29 and 0.98 au. We find that stochastic heating likely operates throughout the entire inner heliosphere, but that its radial dependence is steeper than that of empirically derived dissipation rates, being $r^{-2.5}$ compared with $r^{-2.08}$. This difference is significantly increased in fast solar wind streams to $r^{-3.1}$ compared with $r^{-1.8}$.

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M. Martinović, K. Klein and S. Bourouaine
Mon, 3 Jun 19

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