Cosmic implications of a low-scale solution to the axion domain wall problem [CL]

The post-inflationary breaking of Peccei-Quinn (PQ) symmetry can lead to the cosmic domain wall catastrophe. In this Letter we show how to avoid domain walls implementing the Instanton Interference Effect (IIE) with a new interaction which itself breaks PQ symmetry and confines at an energy scale smaller than $\Lambda_{QCD}$. We give a general description of the mechanism and consider its cosmological implications and constraints within a minimal model. Contrary to other mechanisms we do not require an inverse phase transition neither fine-tuned bias terms. Incidentally, the mechanism leads to the introduction of new self-interacting dark matter candidates and the possibility of producing gravitational waves in the frequency range of SKA. Unless a fine-tuned hidden sector is introduced, the mechanism predicts a QCD axion in the mass range $1\text{ meV}-15\text{ meV}$.

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A. Caputo and M. Reig
Fri, 31 May 19

Comments: 12 pages, 4 figures